Impact of Lockdown on Education
The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted multiple sectors in India including oil and gas, automobiles, transportation, agriculture, retail market, etc. We can’t ignore the fact that hardly any sector would remain untouched by the crisis. The same is with the education sector in India.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the government temporarily started shutting down schools, colleges and universities. As per the present circumstances, there is an uncertainty when schools and colleges will reopen. No doubt, this is the crucial time for the education sector because entrance tests of several universities and competitive examinations are held during this period. Along with them how can we forget about the board examinations, school admissions, etc.?
The closure of schools and colleges does not even have short-term impact in India but can even cause far-reaching economic and societal consequences. Let us tell you that due to the closedown of educational institutes it is estimated to affect around 600 million school-going students across the globe.
Education Sector: Impact & Concern duringCOVID-19
The lockdown has generated uncertainty over the exam cycle. Schools & Universities may face impact in terms of a slowdown in student education, lower fee collection that can create hurdles in managing the working capital in schools.
Another major concern is that it can affect the paying capacity of several people in the private sector, which is catering to a sizeable section of the students in the country.
Structure of schooling and learning includes teaching and assessment methodologies and due to closure, it will be affected.
Higher education sectors are also disrupted which again pave an impact on the country’s economic future. A large number of students from India took admissions in countries like USA, UK, China etc., and these countries have closed their international borders due to Covid-19.
Another major concern is employment. The Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy estimated unemployment shortage from 8.4% in mid-March’20 to 23% in early April’20. In the urban area, unemployment rate is 30.9%.
Solutions for Interrupted Education during COVID-19
The role of technology is significant and it now plays a crucial role in the educational system and the demand for the current situation is this only.
In the present era of internet and technology, teachers can take online classes of the student through various available platforms like Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Google Classroom etc.
The students who are coming from low-income groups or the presence of a disability can take up distance learning programmes and courses.
To provide support for digitalisation to teachers and students, schools and institutions can provide them with a small training programme, so they are well aware of online learning tools and platforms.
Digital Learning: A reform at the national level, which is an integration of technology in the present Indian education system.
Technology is also playing an important role in the lockdown period like a study from home and work from home.